Les Bords du Rhin - Elevage de chats norvégiens situé à Strasbourg en Alsace
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Certificat de capacité : 67-137
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Les Bords du Rhin*FR
Norwegian Forest Cats
Lotta Svard vom Arlesbrunnen
Father : Geronimo de Woodlake from DE*vom Arlesbrunnen
Mother : CH Haya-Nera vom Arlesbrunnen from DE*vom Arlesbrunnen
Parents tested GSD4 and PKDef negative N/N
Parents detected HCM negative
Detected negative to HCM and PKDef the 16/11/2015, 28/06/2017, 22/01/2020 and the 19/01/2022
(Tests in PDF below)
Lotta was not in my plans at all... But when I saw her on the site of the breeder, I had a love at first side.
She has a excessive charisma, a triangle so perfect, with nice ears, wide and well placed, a very straight profile with a nice high-head. I love her bone structure so much, her dense fur with a very good quality.
I have always love "black muzzles" because of their originality but I never planned to work with the amber color. Maybe, I would plan a mating with a amber male one day
Her principal defect : her tips should be more longer.
Born on 10th October 2014
NFO nt
Our queens
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